All About Me

I can't really expect you to get real deep in this place about my thoughts on stuff if you don't know me, now can I?

I already described myself somewhat in my introduction post, but I wanna go more in-depth!

My name is Madeline Foster, born 1997 to a family of five, and I've been playing video games as long as I can remember! No, I mean it. My first coherent memory is of playing the first Spyro on my dad's Playstation. Video games are a big part of me.

Despite that, though, I never was serious about collecting gaming history until my 18th birthday, when one of my brothers bought me the Balls of Steel collection of Duke Nukem Forever for my birthday. Not exactly a... valued piece of merchandise today, but it was big for me at the time! Like, wow. All this stuff, just packaged in the game? Just sorta doing their own thing? It got me curious. After a while of looking into all that and getting enthralled by the history of video games, here I am today!

I'm not just some girl driven entirely by video games though. I have other interests! I'm into cosplay, anime, movies... well, I guess just basic nerd stuff, huh? I'm cool in person, I promise.

I hope.

Anyway, I started this blog because I thought it would be fun! We'll see in the future whether or not it actually is, I guess. But that's my motivation for now.

I don't really know what else to put here. Maybe I'll come back here every once in a while to add stuff to this lil bio I got. In the meantime, here's a pic of me!
See you later. Thanks for reading!